Why Magnesium is important for women’s health
Should I be taking a Magnesium supplement? What is Magnesium for? How do I know if I’m low in Magnesium? These are questions that clients ask me all the time!

Magnesium is a mineral that is stored mostly in the bones and soft tissues of our bodies. Magnesium is so important in our body – it’s involved in thousands of reactions, is important for nerve and muscle function, energy production, supports insulin sensitivity, is involved in bone health, and helps maintain blood pressure.
When Magnesium is low, some symptoms may include high blood pressure, insulin resistance, osteoporosis, adrenal disfunction, and feelings of sluggishness. Magnesium and Calcium work together to help our muscles relax and constrict, so if you Magnesium is low, it can feel harder for your muscles to relax.
When Magnesium is too high (usually from supplements), diarrhea is a common symptom.
How do I know if I’m low in Magnesium? Looking at your symptoms in conjunction with blood labs and a functional mineral test can all be helpful. Bloodwork is not always the best way to determine if you’re low in Magnesium, because we don’t store a lot of Magnesium in our blood (most is in the bones and tissues).
Where can I get Magnesium? Magnesium is found in many foods, including beans, lentils, cooked greens, salmon, dairy, avocado, cacao, nuts, whole grains, and coffee. I often start with adding food sources of Magnesium with clients. I also often recommend an electrolyte beverage that contains some Magnesium alongside other electrolytes.

Should I be taking a Magnesium supplement? Not necessarily. Adding in a Magnesium supplement all of a sudden can effect other minerals, and it might not feel good. Depending on where a client is starting from, we might start by gradually adding in dietary forms of Magnesium or a more gentle supplement in addition to support other minerals, such as Sodium and Potassium.
I think I might be low in Magnesium – what now? Often times clients who aren’t feeling good benefit from a consult with us. We can talk more about how you’re feeling, what you’re eating, and look at your labs to help determine what’s going on. Reach out for a free 15 minute call or to schedule an appointment!